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Experiential education for grades 6-12 in St. Louis

Facility Rentals

Whitfield is glad to share its space with organizations in St. Louis, particularly those with missions that align with ours, or organizations that benefit our students. Below please find the process to submit a facility rental request and an overview of facility usage.

facilities rental request form

A Facility Rental Request applies to:

  • Any external organization that would like to use Whitfield’s facility.
  • A Whitfield teacher or coach who wants to use a Whitfield space on behalf of an external group.
  • A Whitfield teacher, coach, parent, or student who wants to use a Whitfield space for a personal, for-profit endeavor.

Request & Approval Process:

  • External groups requesting to use Whitfield’s facility must submit this Request Form.
  • A representative from Whitfield will reply to inquiries within one week (5 business days).
  • Standard facility rental requests may be approved with the initial reply.
  • Approval of more complicated requests will require review by Whitfield's Event Committee.
  • Any group requesting space for a regular, repeating meeting or event must annually submit a request for renewed approval. A decision will be made based on fulfillment of the guidelines below and the availability of our space.  

For all requests, the following guidelines apply:

  • Facility rentals may not occur during the school day (week days, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm).
  • All athletics spaces are typically available beginning at 6:00 pm (subject to approval).
  • The primary spaces available are listed in the matrix below. Specific spaces may be available upon request. In nearly all situations, please expect access to the main building denied.
  • Whitfield will not displace its students, faculty or athletes to accommodate a facility rental request.
  • To maintain long-term usage, an organization and its participants must remain in good standing (tidy up after usage, pay fees in-full in a timely manner, maintain open lines of communication, maintain upstanding behavior by leadership and participants, etc).
  • Whitfield reserves the right to use any space on its campus at any time. Should it need to use a space otherwise reserved for an external group, it will provide advance notice to the extent possible.
  • Whitfield reserves the right to terminate a Facility Rental Agreement at any time for any reason. Whitfield will provide advance notice to the extent possible.



All spaces have a four (4) hour minimum rental fee. If you would like to rent a space for more than four hours for an event such as an athletic tournament or college/camp fair, please send your specific space needs and preferred dates to A representative will contact you directly to share more information and pricing.
Event Space Maximum Occupancy Event Usage (price for up to 4 hours)
Woods Hall 600 $750
Schmitter Gallery 300 $750
Cady Gymnasium 750 $750
Practice Gymnasium 100 $300
Dining Room (nut-free space)
Intellectual Commons “IC”


If services are required above and beyond Whitfield's regular operation, fees for those services will be incurred at the rates listed below. 

Equipment/Service Hourly Rate
$50 - $150
Security Fees
$30 - $60
Technology Equipment 
$250 (flat fee)
On-site Technology Support