Student Support
Because academic skills and social-emotional skills are intertwined and interdependent, Whitfield offers a strong web of support. From health and wellness programs and our advisory system to academic tutoring and additional learning support, these resources ensure our students are both academically and emotionally prepared for college and beyond.
Health and Wellness
To best serve our community, we provide a health and wellness curriculum that supports students, faculty, and parents in the development of a variety of fundamental non-cognitive skills such as emotional intelligence, self-regulation, and empathy. This curriculum is delivered to our students through our Advisory program and informally cultivated through all aspects of the Whitfield experience.
Advisory Program
The advisory program ensures that all students are known well and supported academically, socially, and emotionally. The program’s mission-driven objectives are to build trusting relationships, to develop the Habits of Mind & Heart, and to foster collaboration between the advisor, student, and parents/guardians. The program is also an avenue to help students evaluate and develop executive functioning skills, understand their strengths of character and the contributions they can make to their personal growth as well as to their local, national, and global communities.
In addition to the executive functioning and other support services built into the Whitfield academic program, the below services are available to students and families.
We recognize that students capable of being successful in a rigorous college preparatory program may also experience learning challenges that require additional support. The school strives to work with all students, including those with diagnosed learning differences, to provide fair and reasonable opportunities for academic success.